Monday, 7 April 2008

What Splendid Weather!

Have you ever seen such random weather? We certainly haven't for a long time. One minute it's sunshine, then rain, hail and a whole load of snow! Due to such randomness, we've been struggling to ride and dashing out during the brief dry spells. But we battled on none the less. Seth left us and headed home, thanks to Hoffman for getting him over, it was a pleasure having him here and i'm sure his guitar hero skills improved during his stay! Bruce, Brad, Lacey and Nate have been clocking the footage where possible and we're happy to see Niki on the road to recovery, nothing can keep that lad down! The locals have been showing us a few under cover spots, so a big thanks goes out to them. We've got one final day of Brad Simms magic tomorrow, so our fingers are crossed for some good weather.

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