Monday, 4 February 2008


Keep an eye on the blog as we'll now be updating it on a regular basis, keeping you up to date on what goes on in and around the Seventies house.

A month has passed since we moved into our apartment in Brighton so here's a summary of what's been happening here at the Seventies house in January... We moved in on new years eve and celebrated the start of our new adventure and the coming of the new year, with a house party. By the time we'd finished unpacking the drinks were already flowing and didn't stop til the sun came up.

So once the hangovers were nursed and embarrassing moments forgotten, the filming got underway. The first visitors to the house were Federal, Primo, Lotek and Freemont's Dan Lacey and Federal, Primo and Orhid's Mark Love. They both stayed at the house for next few weeks and were soon joined by Federal and Primo rider Derek Strickland. The weather was predominantly rubbish, so we were forced to ride inbetween rain showers and gale force winds. We passed the time by staying in the apartment playing either table tennis or pro evo which seem to cause more pain than the weather itself! We've already found some good spots to ride. Including a crazy ghetto park which on our third visit was unfortunately boarded up. And an art piece on the seafront which was made ridable thanks to the wood spilled by the sunken cargo ship 'Ice Prince'.

And so we said goodbye to Derek who traveled home to continue pimping his ride and Mark and Dan left for the Simpel Session in Estonia. Macneil were due the next week so gave the house a clean and awaited their arrival.

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